Advisory Board

Experts from different research areas related to HHH project constitute our Advisory Board.

The first Advisory Board meeting was held on November 6th and 7th 2014.

Javier Nieto

Javier Nieto

Environmental Assessment; CVD Epi / Cohort Studies

Oregon State University

Carme Borrell

Carme Borrell

Urban Health and Social Determiants of Health

Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona

Basile Chaix

Basile Chaix

Geography and Environmental Assessment

Institut National de la Santé et de la Reserché Medical

Richard Cooper

Richard Cooper

CVD Epi / Cohort Study

Loyola University of Chicago School of Medicine

Javier Segura

Javier Segura

Prevention, Health Promotion and Social Epidemiology

Instituto de Salud Pública. Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Social epidemiology, inequalities in health, urban health, biopolitic, public policies impact assessment  and institutional reform processes management are his favourite topics. Active blogger ( and @jseguradelpozo).


Daniel Lewis

Daniel Lewis

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Ana Díez Roux

Ana Díez Roux

Environment Assessment; CVD Epi / Cohort Study

Drexel University School of Public Health