HHH symposium: Research update on Physical Activity in Urban Settings
EL HEART HEALTHY HOODS ORGANIZA UN SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE INVESTIGACIÓN EN ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y CIUDADES El proyecto europeo de la Universidad de Alcalá reúne investigadores de universidades españolas y australianas para...
STOA-ERC event “Investing in Young Researchers, Shaping Europe’s Future” at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, on May, Thursday 31st
Tomorrow May, Thursday 31st HHH project will be at the European Parliament, for the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Manuel Franco, HHH project' PI and professor of the Alcalá University (UAH) UAH and only Spanish researcher in the event "Invest in...
HHH Food research and policy translation presented in Brussels at the conference on Sciencce and Policy
This coming Monday 16th, Manuel Franco (HHH PI) will attend the European Commission Conference 'Harnessing Research & Innovation for FOOD 2030: A Science Policy Dialogue' The conference will show the Photovoice Participatory Project exhibit. Manuel Franco will present...
Cohort recruitment start!
We have started the recruitment of the participants in the Heart Healthy Hoods Cohort study. More than 2500 Madrid citizens from 40 to 75 years old will participate in our study to understand the role of the social and physical environment in tobacco, alcohol,...
New research paper: Intersection of neighborhood dynamics and socioeconomic status in small-area walkability: the Heart Healthy Hoods project
An article published in the International Journal of Health Geographics showed some of the results of our Health Environment research group. In this article, we have studied the distribution of walkability in Madrid and its relationship with the socioeconomic status...
HHH goes to Brussels
Manuel Franco, Spanish researcher and Principal Investigator of the Heart Healthy Hoods research project, brings his ‘Photovoice’ photo project to the European Parliament, May 4-10, 2017
HHH project presented within Demography Today lecture series at the BBVA Foundation
This evening at 19.00hrs our HHH project will be explained at Demography Today, a program of Conferences organised by Fundación BBVA and the Spainish Council of Scientific Investigations (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIS).
Alcohol and Urban Environments. Similar projects across three different cities: Edinburgh, Barcelona and Madrid
Next January 24th will take place a seminar on Alcohol and Urban Environments. The main objective of the seminar is to share the framework and methods of the projects conducted in Barcelona, Madrid and Edinburgh. Clic on this link to see the Agenda of this seminar.
New article: Understanding the local food environment: A participatory Photovoice project in a low-income area in Madrid, Spain
An article published in the journal Health&Place presenting the main results of our Photovoice project in Madrid, where residents have revealed with their cameras and narratives how the food in their neighborhood influenced their food choices, is available!
Manuel Franco presented the HHH study at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
On November 14th 2016 the Centre for Global Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine invited Manuel Franco to present the HHH study.
PHHHotovoice Villaverde goes to Baltimore
The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF) at the School of Public Health invited Manuel Franco to present the Photovoice Villaverde project. The Center for a Livable Future funded Manuel Franco during his PhD and Post Doc in Baltimore.
PHHHotovoice Villaverde presented at the Urban Health Collaborative in the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health
The Urban Health Collaborative at the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health invited Manuel Franco on October 14 to present the Photovoice Villaverde work.
Photovoice Villaverde, substudy of the Heart Healthy Hoods project, receives award for innovative scientific dissemination
Manuel Franco, on behalf of the HHH team, received the award from University of Alcalá to the most original and innovative formula to disseminate scientific knowledge among society.
Jornada de debate: “Mejorando la alimentación en las ciudades: el caso de Madrid” Martes 25 Octubre, 17:30h. Sala Jorge Berlanga- CentroCentro
El próximo martes 25 de Octubre a las 17:30 h se celebrará la Jornada de debate público “Mejorando la alimentación en las ciudades: el caso de Madrid”. En ella diferentes actores del sistema alimentario de Madrid abordarán la siguiente pregunta: ¿Qué debemos hacer para fomentar la alimentación saludable en las ciudades? Estáis todas y todos invitados.
Inauguración de la exposición Fotovoz y presentación del fotolibro | Photovoice exhibition opening and presentation of photobook
El próximo miércoles 13 de Abril a las 17h tendrá lugar la inauguración de la exposición y presentación del libro Photovoice Villaverde: un estudio participativo sobre la alimentación a través de la fotografía.
Heart Healthy Hoods in the 13th International Conference of Urban Health (ICUH)
Our colleagues Manuel Franco, Usama Bilal and Julia Díez attended the 13th International Conference of Urban Health, held on April 1-4 , 2016, in San Francisco. 9 oral presentations related to our Heart Healthy Hoods and the Photovoice project were presented, which are available here.
Jornada Informativa para Centros de Salud seleccionadas para la Cohorte HHH en Madrid
El pasado lunes 14 de marzo celebramos la Jornada Informativa dirigida a los directores y profesionales de los 48 centros de salud seleccionados e invitados a participar en el reclutamiento de la “Cohorte HHH”.
Jornada de Ciencia Ciudadana en Villaverde
El pasado 1 de diciembre el Centro Sociocultural Santa Petronila acogió con gran entusiasmo la Jornada de Ciencia Ciudadana “BARRIOS Y ALIMENTACIÓN, PROYECTO FOTOVOZ VILLAVERDE” que culminó con la inauguración de la exposición de fotografía “Photovoice Villaverde: Alimentación y salud. Una forma diferente de participación en nuestros barrios”.